Many congratulations to Yuchen for the "Best presentation" award at the Royce annual summer students conference 2024
July 2024: Welcome to our summer interns, Carmen Barker (URENCO scholarship from Manchester) and Jiaqiu He.
Congratulations to our own Yuchen for securing summer internship placement (2024) through Henry Royce Institute.
June 2024: Hearty Congratulations to Olivia (our MChem) for successful completion with top grades and for the Award of Presidential Doctoral Scholarship from Manchester - Steller performance . We wish you all the best !!!
July 2023: Hearty Congratulations to Tehmina (our MChem) for successful completion and graduating with excellent grades. We wish you all the best Tehmina in all your future endeavours and for your new Job!!!
June 2023: Welcome to our summer interns, Simla and Yuchen!
June 2023: Lujie and Kunlong joined us for their M.Sc thesis projects - Welcome!
April 2023: After long waiting, Saurav has joined as a PhD in the group, welcome to Manchester Saurav!
March 2023: Sajeer and Sabiar joined us as Commonwealth Split-Site scholars - Welcome to Manchester and group - very exciting projects and science ahead!
January 2023: Hadeel joined as a PhD, Welcome Hadeel!
November 2022: Welcome to our new PhD student, Tirumala Rao (Tiru)!
October 2022: Welcome to Trudie on UoM-A*Star joint PhD program!
June 2022: Proud moment, Anmol's proposal on 'Sustainable Reactions and Labs' is funded through Better World Funding competition - part of "Social responsibility" at The University of Manchester. Well doneAnmol, you did a great job (initiation, coordination and execution)!!!
May 2022: Many Congratulations to Thomas Nunn (our MChem student) for securing a position in industry - well done Tom!
March 2022: Congrats Emily for your new position @ Royal Society of Chemistry - Best wishes from group!
September 2021: Harry (Yongsheng Gao) got job in Abbott China - Many congratulations Harry!
August 2021: Congratulations to Hannah for securing a prestigeous NOWNANO (Graphene) CDT's PhD studentship!
PhD openings:
PhD Studentships for International students students with excellent academic trackrecord/research can contact ashok for prospective studentship/fellowship applications